Impact of Parenting on Leaders' Behavior in Workplaces in Bangladesh

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North South Business Review
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Parenting style may play a significant role in the development of the personality and behavior of individuals. Individuals are likely to showcase in their adulthood the outcome of the individual parenting styles that they have experienced during their childhood. Leadership behavior is likely to be a crucial outcome of the parenting structure that an individual has grown up in. Eventually, this leadership behavior may be exercised in multiple group contexts (e.g., workplaces). The aim of this study is to understand whether the different parenting styles that leaders have received during their childhood impact their leadership behavior in their workplaces. Five leaders from different companies and industries were chosen for in-depth research. The leaders were asked to fill out a short version (32 questions) of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ). The survey captures information on the parenting styles that the leaders have experienced based on seven constructs: support and affection; regulation; autonomy; physical coercion; verbal hostility; punishment; and indulgence. Next, we conducted in-depth interviews of at least three team members of each leader to understand the leaders’ leadership behavior in the workplace. The questions of the in-depth interviews were inspired by Scott’s research on leaders’ power and control in the workplace (Scott,2018). The results indicate that parenting style has an impact on leadership behavior. Leaders who have received support and affection tend to become emotionally intelligent promote inclusive work culture. And leaders who were brought up in regulation displayed strict professionalism or power distance. In addition, leaders who were physically or verbally abused displayed signs of coercion, threat, emotional abuse, and blaming. Furthermore, leaders who were physically or verbally adored could show signs of emotional intelligence and inclusivity if they have also received support & affection.
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North South University
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